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This guide will show you how to connect Anita to o7 Node.

What is Anita?

Anita is a “sniper” bot with the ability to buy and sell Solana-based cryptocurrencies on the Solana network, with the goal of making profit with quick trades.

Since these bots benefit from high speed and low latency, connecting to a fast and reliable Solana RPC node is essential. o7 Node provides a high-performance Solana RPC node that is perfect for use with Anita.


Anita uses a configuration file, config.ini, to specify the RPC node it should connect to. To connect Anita to the o7 Node, you will need to provide the HTTPS endpoint and the WSS (websocket) endpoint URLs.

The gpa_node_url and rpc_nodes parameters represent your HTTPS connections to the o7 Node. The websocket_url parameter represents the WSS connection to the o7 Node. Your connection details would look like the following:

gpa_node_url =
rpc_nodes = []
websocket_url = wss://

If you are running a VPS in the same data center as one of our nodes, you can use direct IP addresses instead of domain names for faster connections. See the “Direct Connection details” in the Dashboard for more information.

Note on URLs: many users in our Discord have reported that adding a forward slash to the end of URLs is important for Anita to work properly. For instance, If you are having issues, consider changing your URLs to that format!